There’s always more beneath the surface...

Twenty-seven-year-old scab from my first love’s wound

Mürzzuschlag, Austria
In 1990 my friend, my first great love, had a motorbike accident. Its consequence was severe road rash with several large scabs. The accident shocked me although nothing serious happened. From then on, I had a constant fear that I might lose my dearest one. For that reason, I kept one of his scabs after it had fallen off, with the (not so serious) idea in mind of having him cloned in the future...
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PostedJan 19, 2025

I’m failed like a Disney princess… I’m a witch now

15 godina ljubavi (10 braka) i lazi (njegove)… ocean medu nama na pocektu (Rim, Italija i Dominikanska Republika)…. Lijepi osmjeh, ogromne lazi… a sad ostaju gorcina, razocaranje…nova strana zivota pocinje. Ljubav je strasno komplicirana!
PostedJan 19, 2025

Lily & Chrysanthemum

2 little butterflies met on a app, spoke by phone and then met in Bordeaux. Really beautiful time together, but the first day of a real meeting was also the last. Everything ended with a bouquet of a white chrysanthemum and a white lily. Goodbye blue butterfly.
PostedJan 18, 2025

The unspoken feelings

It was a summer day..
Bassendean, Australia
“I gave the mass for you today so at least your protected” That was the most precious gift that I ever received from my entire life! Thương!