His dream was to be a fashion designer. He had just finished university in New York City and came to live with me in Europe. We had met the previous summer in Norway and kept the flame alive via Skype. On a hot summer day in 2001 we drove into traffic-crazy Paris, parked on the pavement in Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré and bought the mannequin. The sun was shining on our relationship and our hop...
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A Student Exploration at the Museum of Broken Relationships, Chiang Mai
Feb 05, 2025
Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Museum of Broken Relationships, Chiang Mai, recently became a living classroom for students delving into the rich tapestry of colonial architecture. Our Yhong-Chieng Building, a storied structure dating back to 1904, played host to two distinct academic visits, each unraveling layers of its past and present.
In December, the Southeast Asian Neighborhood Network (Read more
PostedJan 27, 2025
Revolution Radio
January 2019
Fishermead, United Kingdom
We met online as teenagers. It was a whirlwind thing- the first night we met, we were talking until 4am. We realised we'd both been at a concert a couple of years before and had vague memories of seeing each other there. It felt like a sign. It was conversations until the early hours of the morning for the following couple of weeks.
Being teenagers, we didn't get the chance to meet. We lived a ...
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PostedJan 19, 2025
I’m failed like a Disney princess… I’m a witch now
15 godina ljubavi (10 braka) i lazi (njegove)… ocean medu nama na pocektu (Rim, Italija i Dominikanska Republika)…. Lijepi osmjeh, ogromne lazi… a sad ostaju gorcina, razocaranje…nova strana zivota pocinje.
Ljubav je strasno komplicirana!