There’s always more beneath the surface...

Stockman mannequin

14 years
Oslo, Norway
His dream was to be a fashion designer. He had just finished university in New York City and came to live with me in Europe. We had met the previous summer in Norway and kept the flame alive via Skype. On a hot summer day in 2001 we drove into traffic-crazy Paris, parked on the pavement in Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré and bought the mannequin. The sun was shining on our relationship and our hop...
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PostedJan 19, 2025

I’m failed like a Disney princess… I’m a witch now

15 godina ljubavi (10 braka) i lazi (njegove)… ocean medu nama na pocektu (Rim, Italija i Dominikanska Republika)…. Lijepi osmjeh, ogromne lazi… a sad ostaju gorcina, razocaranje…nova strana zivota pocinje. Ljubav je strasno komplicirana!
PostedJan 19, 2025

Lily & Chrysanthemum

2 little butterflies met on a app, spoke by phone and then met in Bordeaux. Really beautiful time together, but the first day of a real meeting was also the last. Everything ended with a bouquet of a white chrysanthemum and a white lily. Goodbye blue butterfly.
PostedJan 18, 2025

The unspoken feelings

It was a summer day..
Bassendean, Australia
“I gave the mass for you today so at least your protected” That was the most precious gift that I ever received from my entire life! Thương!